Professionals and people who support this project.

Juani Guerra
Juani GuerraBiopoetics and Cognitive Semiotics
Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Gonzalo Rodríguez
Gonzalo RodríguezSociology
Mª Inmaculada Fernández
Mª Inmaculada FernándezPedagogy
Researcher at the University of La Laguna
Javier Marrero
Javier MarreroPedagogy
Professor at the University of La Laguna
Manuel Maynar
Manuel MaynarMedicine
Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Gustavo Armas
Gustavo ArmasBusiness
Carmen Rubio
Carmen RubioPharmaceutics
Vice-rector of Internationalization of the University of La Laguna
Jorge Marcos
Jorge MarcosPharmaceutics
Ángel Acebes
Ángel AcebesBiochemistry
Researcher of the CIBICAN
Adriana Ortiz
Adriana OrtizNutrition and Public Health
Researcher of the Nutrition Group of the IUIBS of the ULPGC.
Jorge Méndez
Jorge MéndezPhisics
Professor at the University of La Laguna
Zaira Santana
Zaira SantanaPsychopedagogy
PhD in Human, Social and Legal Sciences from the UIC.
Jose Carlos Marrero
Jose Carlos MarreroJournalism
Professional linked to the world of journalism